5 Great Ways to Make Golf More Affordable
Golf is a sport that was once reserved for the wealthy. Those days have changed and yet golf remains a bit of a burden for pursuit by those who have limited means. The challenge of making golf more affordable to those who may have been excluded in days long gone is not as difficult as one may think. Below you will find 5 ways that golf can be well within your means.
1) Buy light. You do not have to outfit yourself with top of the line equipment. Begin with a basic set of clubs and replace as your skills and your knowledge of your own game improves. The same holds true for other equipment such as balls, shoes, and clothing for the game. Do not make a serious investment in the equipment until you’ve invested in your skill.
2) Take lessons. This is a rather large expense by comparison to many others but the impact it will have on your game and your knowledge of your game is well worth the investment. You should also be wary of underestimating the impact that confidence will have on your game. Time with a pro can give you all the confidence you’ll ever need as a beginning golfer while helping you develop the good skills you have while eliminating or minimizing the effect of those areas where you aren’t as strong.
3) Visit the Range. The driving range is a place you should acquaint yourself with quite well. The time you spend on the range doesn’t cost nearly as much as comparable time on a golf course and will have a lasting effect on your game as your skills and confidence both improve right along with your swing. Make sure to spend time working on your short shots as well as your long shots in order to get the full benefit of the driving range and visit the putting green section of your driving range if it has one to master (or at the very least improve) those finesse shots that are so very important when it comes to lowering your score.
4) Purchase discounts. Many local public courses and PGA approved courses around the country offer discounts for those who play regularly at one specific course or who travel regularly and wish to try out various great courses around the country. If you are a fan of the game of golf then discount cards can save a lot of money of the course of a year making the game a much more affordable hobby to have.
5) Skip the cart. This is a small sacrifice to make but one that can save a lot of money on many courses. If the cart rental is included in the greens fees then keep it. Otherwise eliminate that expense and apply the amount of money saved to your rainy day golf fund.
I hope you enjoy these great ways to make golf a little more affordable for the average Joe and that you might be able to get in a few extra rounds for your effort. Good luck and have fun.
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